SINCE 2018
* each repaired well benefits around 300 refugees
During the exodus of the Rohingya, a huge surge of solidarity was established and numerous associations intervened. Unfortunately without coordination between them, and without prior identification of the true needs of the Rohingya, many wells were dug and not always in the right place!
Since 2020, very few associations are still present for the Rohingya and in certain areas more than 40% of wells are broken down, due to lack of monitoring and adequate maintenance.
Clean water is vital to the health and well-being of the Rohingya, which is why U.T.O has developed a sustainable solution that allows the Rohingya to repair wells themselves.
This approach is innovative because it empowers the Rohingya while addressing the failings of the humanitarian system.
This solution is beneficial for the Rohingya because it ensures long-term access to drinking water. This approach makes it possible to improve the efficiency and sustainability of water projects through active and responsible participation of beneficiaries.
Because water is the source of all life and hygiene is the main pillar of health, WASH is at the heart of U.T.O’s fundamental values.
During the exodus of the Rohingya, a huge surge of solidarity was established and numerous associations intervened. Unfortunately without coordination between them, and without prior identification of the true needs of the Rohingya, many wells were dug and not always in the right place!
Since 2020, very few associations are still present for the Rohingya and in certain areas more than 40% of wells are broken down, due to lack of monitoring and adequate maintenance.
Clean water is vital to the health and well-being of the Rohingya, which is why U.T.O has developed a sustainable solution that allows the Rohingya to repair wells themselves.
Because water is the source of all life and hygiene is the main pillar of health, WASH is at the heart of U.T.O’s fundamental values.
This approach is innovative because it empowers the Rohingya while addressing the failings of the humanitarian system.
This solution is beneficial for the Rohingya because it ensures long-term access to drinking water. This approach makes it possible to improve the efficiency and sustainability of water projects through active and responsible participation of beneficiaries.
Our main team is exclusively made up of Rohingyas involved in their community. They have been carefully trained to handle regular maintenance, emergency repair and rehabilitation of all types of wells.
Cette solution novatrice offre un immense double avantage : non seulement elle permettra, à long terme, de rendre les Rohingyas autosuffisants, mais elle aidera également à combler les lacunes de suivi des projets qui existent dans le suivi du système humanitaire.
By training Rohingya to repair wells, the organization gives them a transferable skill that improves their own quality of life and that of their community.
This skill can be shared and used to repair more wells, highlighting the transformative potential of knowledge transfer in development projects.
This sustainable approach, focused on the empowerment of the Rohingya, offers an effective and lasting solution to guarantee sustainable access to drinking water and improve the hygiene and quality of life of refugees.
In the largest refugee camp in the world there are neither toilets nor trucks to collect the waste produced daily by 1 million humans.
In order to preserve the hygiene of the camp population, a second team takes care of cleaning the sanitary infrastructure (latrines) and a third takes care of collecting and recycling waste.
To date, our WASH projects offer sustainable employment to several dozen Rohingyas and benefit tens of thousands of Rohingyas.
Our current objective is to create a maintenance and technical training center to accommodate our teams, store equipment, guarantee well monitoring and intervene effectively. We are convinced that working preventatively, ensuring monitoring and regular maintenance is much more productive than always being in an emergency situation to carry out repairs.
The estimated budget includes the creation of the maintenance center, the purchase of repair equipment and the salaries of all teams for one year.
This initiative will allow our teams to pool skills and welcome Rohingya, foreign volunteers and partner associations for training.
We look forward to seeing all these players united around a common goal.
150000 euros
for the maintenance center WASH